Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Magdelyn 'got' Easter this year. She called out HAPPY! as we were welcomed into my parents home for the annual Easter Egg hunt. As my brother reviewed the rules, she snuck to the front of the line and barreled out the door when he opened it. She didn't know what she was looking for until we pointed her in the right direction, but was right in the game when she wasn't being distracted by the swing or rocks.

She'd practiced the night before at the Epp family easter egg hunt. She shares the attention at the Wiebe household with five other cousins, but at the Epp egg hunt - she was the sole participant.

Exciting green gummy bear.

1 comment:

  1. Come to think of it... i dont think my parents ever had an egg hunt for us! or maybe tim and benj just spoiled it for me. i remember one year tim wanted benj's girlfriend to think he was cool, so he hid all the eggs in the glass bird feeder directly in my line of vision. lazy jerk... ;)


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